Our PDUs are designed to provide reliable power distribution, as well as precise monitoring and control of equipment installed in data centers. They allow the optimization of the available power and the control of the operating expenses involved in telecommunications installations and CPD's.
We can make them to measure on demand.

Basic PDUs

Basic PDU

The RX Basic PDU is a reliable and safe solution (circuit protection) for electrical/energy distribution in telecommunications and CPD facilities.

Smart PDUs

PM power strip

PM allows the supervision of the PDU measurements, total local monitoring of the PDU through the LCD display (True RMS) integrated into it, as well as the environmental conditions in the racks.

PIML PDU Power Strip

PIML allows the supervision of the PDU measurements, through the LCD display (True RMS) integrated into the PDU and remote monitoring (IP/SNMP) of the entire PDU, as well as the environmental conditions in the racks.

PIM power strip

PIM allows the supervision of the PDU measurements, through the LCD display (True RMS) integrated into the PDU and remote monitoring (IP/SNMP) of the entire PDU, as well as the environmental conditions in the racks.


POS allows the supervision of the PDU measurements, through the LCD display (True RMS) integrated into the PDU and remote monitoring (IP/SNMP) of the entire PDU. In addition to on/off management (ON/OFF) per socket, as well as the environmental conditions in the racks.


POM allows supervision of the PDU measurements, through the LCD display (True RMS) integrated into the PDU and remote monitoring (IP/SNMP) of the entire PDU, for each socket. In addition to the environmental conditions in the racks.


POMS allows the supervision of the PDU measurements, through the LCD display (True RMS) integrated into the PDU and remote monitoring (IP/SNMP) of the entire PDU, for each socket. In addition to on/off management (ON/OFF) per socket, as well as the environmental conditions in the racks.

Smart PDUs are very common within CPD infrastructure, but the challenge for technicians is how to connect the PDUs to the network in the most efficient way.

3-Phase Wye 3-Phase Delta Hyperscaler Data Centers and the Importance of 3-Phase PDUs Today's Data Centers…

Our product families